The study examined the relevance of sales promotion to business organizations using Sino Food Nigeria Ltd Lagos State as case study.
The study employed the survey design and the Simple random sampling technique to select 100 staff involving both junior and senior staff of Sino Food Nigeria Ltd Lagos State. A well-constructed questionnaire, which was adjudged valid and reliable, was used for collection of data from the respondents. The data obtained through the administration of the questionnaires was analyzed using the frequency table.
The results showed that the role and importance of sales promotion can not be over emphasized due to the fact that it is of great paramount towards retaining an organization’s competitiveness and enlarge market shares.
The study concluded that the major roles or functions of sales promotion include; attracting new customers, Retaining an organization's competitiveness, Increase sales in off-seasons, Introduce new products or services etc.
The study suggested that; The organization must intensify the use of sales promotion as its role an benefits can not be over emphasized; Sales promotion has short term effect, as a result, services providers need to do a continuous follow up to establish long term relationship with new customers acquired during sales promotion period and finally, the appearance of sales person should be greatly enhanced. Therefore it may be used in conjunction with other promotional tools such as coupons and free talk time.